Soap Bubble Wiki

This gallery is devoted to people's implementation of Keith Johnson's great NoDip System.



Inspired by KMJ, here's a version of his no-dip rig. I'm a a big fan :)


First pic is a details of how to apply the mix to the ropes.


Second pic is a detail of how I rigged the handle.


The rest should be fairly self-explanatory.

Keep your eyes open for Lionel Stanhopes version - coming soon. He's designed a much slicker (and probably more effective) version. My next project.

--Danny from Dr Zigs

Lionel Stanhope[]

Photo 2

Here is my MK1 Nodip rig. I found a 1 meter carbon fibre pole to replace the standard 30cm lance that came with the pump.

I added a small length of pipe to the end of the pole to direct the juice onto my loop.                                                                  

The first few session have been great fun when feeding the loop constantly with juice while making long tubes. Im planning on building a double feed rig to feed the whole loop at the same time from both sides.

Karl-Otto -[]


My take on Keiths NoDip-system so far.


Two seperate juice feeds, second one added instead of overpressure valve with out any special DIY. The poles are the original ones, might want to chance to longer ones like Lionel Stanhope. String is t-shirt material, Kalvin Klundt style. The carrying strap is from a laptop bag.

String is fixed to the poles with bits of tubing. This tubing has been bend and heated. After cooling it stays bend. To keep a nice bend and the tube round while heating  I used copper wires. The tube in the bottom of the right picture is ready to be heated.

The system works well with just low pressure, nice juice flow throu the bended tubes. Nice bubbling :-)


The pictures will talk for themselves :) I've used fishing poles, and the bubblejuice flows through one of them (the one with the handle). Took some time to find the needed parts and this is definetly a work in progress! More tuning needed when I'll get time for it :)

